Tag Archive for: iBeacon in retail

iBeacons – A changing face of retail

A week before we have talked about the iBeacon technology and have unfolded many questions about it. Earlier, while much of the focus was on what are iBeacons? How does it work etc etc, Today, we will explore the other side of it which we think you will love. We all love shopping; so what if you receive valuable information about an on going sale, any offer, information about what you are looking for and that to just when you enter a store, Isn’t it amazing and helpful, You don’t have to look and search for offers, coupons, or you no longer have to find your way for any specific store or mall, because now iBeacon will do all this for you.

Lets have a look that how this small coin sized and low cost device has made all the retailers to focus on itself;

  • Promotions: In the right place and at the right time retailers can send customized notifications about different offers, coupons or personalized loyalty programs based on the location, time and purchase history of the shoppers.
  • Monitoring: Retailers can monitor your shopping behaviour and can send information prior to purchase. They can do so by tracking down your visits, your path ways, where you stay longer, how long you stay infront of specific display etc. Then the system can provide information like reviews about the product, other style and colour and other relevant information. Wow, I believe this will make shopping so easy and stressless.
  • Navigation: Finding your way around a shopping mall can be a challenge for you, If it is, then you don’t have to worry since iBeacon can be of much help, you can track down your way through map.

Since we have been talking about the tracking thing, some of you may feel that these notifications are obtrusive and create a feeling of being spied. In such a case you don’t have to fret since it is a one way process. iBeacons can send signals but can not receive any information. Moreover, receiving these information is something which can not happen without your wish. For that you have to download this app, have to turn your bluetooth and location services on.

Infact some of the retailers have already started using it and customers are exploring their interest through it. Its not an another technology hype but its a change, change to your experience. We still have many sectors to unravel and evaluate the usage of iBeacons in them for that I would say – Stay tuned, we will bring it soon!!