Tag Archive for: iPhone 5c

iPhone 5S Sales take a leverage over iPhone 5C

Selling an iPhone to someone isn’t much of a deal, selling two isn’t one too, so in short selling iPhone doesn’t really make the sales team sweat, but with two iPhone kins being sold together one needs to put in an effort or either one takes a hit, and that is what is happening with iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C both available in the market. Apple’s marketing strategy regarding the duo has probably gone for a toss with the iPhone 5S taking leverage over 5C, though it wouldn’t take much thought to understand what Apple wanted to do by introducing two almost similar products with a major price difference. The move could have been based on some of the following aspects, one Apple wanted to increase its market share in turn giving everybody an opportunity to get their hands on an iPhone.

The sales figures have caused a whammy for the company. Looking at the figures one can clearly state that the 5S outsells the 5C by almost twice the margin. With 5S and 5C standing at 64% & 27% respectively by the end of September 2013. The aftermath of the even caused a major slash in orders for Pegatron under 20% and about one third for Foxconn.

Apple’s current marketing methods are intriguing in manner of a shift in focus. With a cheaper price you can definitely afford reach ability but what speaking strictly from a business perspective you have to analyse and know the competition with not only others but also the ones produced in-house.