IoT: Internet of Things

IoT is Not a New Notion

The concept of the ‘Internet of Things (IoT) was in the air for quite a long time from now; in fact, the ‘Coke Machine’ of ‘Carnegie Melon University’, which is a creation of the early 1980s, was one of such ‘internet appliances’. The subject has eventually touched the ground. Now-a-days it has become a matter of discussion of all those who are familiar with hi-tech developments, in particular, those who are aficionados of computers and the internet. Kevin Ashton, one of the initiators and the Executive Director of the Auto-ID center at MIT had given a direct hint about the same almost 1½ decades ago! The year was 1999, and the venue was an executive meeting of ‘Proctor & Gamble’; Kevin was linking the then novel topic of ‘internet’ to the ‘Radio Frequency Identification’ in the company’s supply chain. Read more