Tag Archive for: apple

Its iBeacon

I love technology, so we all do? Don’t you? I always look around to know about more technologies, trends, updates etc. But this time I am unaware of something, something which is raising questions in me. I curiously looked over the internet, read many articles, but I was still skeptical about this, and So I looked for people who can open my mind and can answer my questions. Questions about iBeacons, Yes, Here I am talking about iBeacons.

What are iBeacons, How does it actually works?

iBeacons are relatively small and low cost BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) Devices that can be placed anywhere, on a wall, table or any flat surface.They use Bluetooth 4.0 – a new version of Bluetooth built in many smartphones like iPhones from Apple 4S upwards, Samsung Galaxy S III etc most of all they are not required to be paired up.

Ok so how does it works and impact the customer experience, Lets see, just like a lighthouse emits light, iBeacons radiate Signals, When you enter in a store, iBeacon sends invisible and soundless signals to your smartphones.These signals catch information from local database or cloud storage and notify people using smartphone about different discounts, product information, events,and other deals running in the store. And if you are worried about its battery then you don’t have to be because it has a battery life of almost 5 years.

So for now, a lot has been clear about iBeacons and how it is productive for retailers and customers.
Ok, but I still have one question that is, Since iBeacon is based on the already existing technology called NFC (Near Field Communication). How it is different from NFC?

Lets See, while using NFC users have to tap their devices on NFC tag to receive content whereas with iBeacons the information is pushed directly to the smartphones, provided they have the brand’s app installed.

Secondly, NFC require bank cooperation or credit card companies to make the transactions whereas iBeacon just require an Apple account.

Thirdly, NFC has a small range whereas the range of iBeacon is up to 50 metres without any lack of precision.

I had my answers now, about this new and wonderful device and have realised that this small device has a great potential to change your shopping experience.

Dex has been working with iBeacon devices to develop apps that will provide unmatched experience to customers and we are excited to explore the potential that this small device hold for retail industry.

Quick Updates for Apple iOS 7.1 – Developer’s Exclusive!

As if we were done tasting the Apple iOS7, Apple has seeded the new iOS7.1, developer version.
18th Nov 2013, Monday was when Apple released it for developers only, which as per the geeks is supposed to be tackling a lot of glitches present in the iOS7.

The version currently present in the market is the 7.0.4, which was released recently in order to fix the face time bug.

Apple is updating the revolutionary OS quite frequently, as observed by the industry, with the latest release specifically meant for developers, Apple claims to have sorted quite a many issues, which were earlier being troublesome to developers. The hiccups that have been resolved are

• Bluetooth Connectivity.
• CF Network.
• Notes.
• Core Text.
• Crash Logs.
• GL Kit.
• UI Kit.
• High Precision Timers.
• iTunes Match.
• Multi peer Connect.

With Apple’s quick updates, one can understand the company’s being forced to become competitive by getting quick fixes even before people could gulp the whole iOS7 update. Buck up Android! As for now the score for Apple to Android is 2-1.Apple