Improve your brand image through mobile apps

In this day and age, there is no shortage of ways to advertise and improve your brand image. Sure, there is the traditional media of web based advertisements, radio plugs, and TV ads. Of course, if you want to be “IN” with the latest trend, the first thing you should consider are mobile apps.

Yes, Mobile apps are basically the biggest attention grabber of the century. While most will not like to admit it, our lives are increasingly centered and dependent on our mobile devices, and within these mobile devices are apps. According to the Flurry Five-Year Report: It’s an App World. The Web Just Lives in It, people spend an average of over 2 hours a day using apps on a smart phone.

The most important bit here is that people tend to use these mobile apps during opportunistic times for an advertiser – during meals, while shopping, on the way to work, and just about every idle moment that a person can have in a day. Its reach is far more penetrative than the average advertising media.

So how exactly can we improve your brand’s reach and image with apps? Mobile Apps can range from a wide variety of forms, which can give you a lot of ways to be creative. Let’s take a look at HasBro’s Transformers and how they did it back in the day:

Step 1: New Autobot toy is created
Step 2: New Autobot toy is featured in the TV show.
Step 3: Profit from sales of new toy that kids saw on TV.

It is the same principle with apps. If you have a new product, like a new toy lineup, a new lineup of clothes, or maybe a new service, why not incorporate it somehow in an App? You can sponsor a development of game that would feature your product. You can even create desktop and keyboard themes that would hint towards your product.

There’s also a more direct approach – creating the official app of your brand. This is becoming increasingly popular, especially for brands that have something to sell. They create online shopping apps for their online store, or even create a loyalty program with the use of mobile app, which is something big names like Pizza Hut and McDonald’s are using. Not only do they put their products closer to the reach of the customer, but they also improve their standing thanks to how well the app worked and through their app based promotions.

Lots of companies are starting to migrate their business closer to mobile apps just like the proliferation of App based Taxi services and app based online shopping and book reading. It is very clear that if you want to have better brand image, recognition, and penetration, then you better start investing in a good app developer.

Developer in Demand – Things you should consider while hiring a developer

The development of mobile technology has been a huge success for developers. The introduction of smartphones was easily embraced by consumers and each year, the features and specifications of smartphones increase. The competition of manufacturing companies in developing smartphones has always been a battle, and developers think of new ways to better their craft.

To be a successful mobile developer, you should have these three E’s:

1) Expertise

A mobile developer should have expertise of his/her craft. Different programming languages for mobile development are available; some of the popular ones are Java, Objective C, C++, and HTML 5. Mastering and knowing the advanced techniques on each programming languages gives you the edge over other developers.

2) Experience

Have you mastered the different programming languages but do not have any experience in developing small to large scale applications? Can you work under pressure and with a limited time? Can you work well with others or in a team? These questions basically answer if you have experience or not, if a company will likely to hire you or not. Experienced developers have an excellent grasp of working well with other developers and their bosses. They will not be constricted with the given time limit and will deliver good results on time.

3) Examples

For developers to have a high chance of getting hired, a compilation of their past works, achievements, and experiences needs to be presented – a portfolio. A mobile developer with a portfolio is likely to get hired than those without one. Portfolios display the competitiveness and years of experiences of mobile developers and reveal expertise of their craft.

With the sudden boom of mobile technology into our society, many people are starting to walk onto the path of becoming a mobile developer. Companies are paying their mobile developers a large amount of sum thus mobile developer has become one of the most in-demand jobs in the world.

Taxi Apps – Mobile Technology in Taxi Business

Mobile Technology has become the centerpiece in the new business model of taxi services. Mobile technology in terms of taxi apps has bring a lot of conveniences both to the drivers and the customers. It has managed to improve income for many drivers, and it is clear that if you are not yet optimizing the use of mobile technology in your taxi business, you are definitely far behind in the curve and the income it generates. Mobile technology has solved a number of issues that drivers and customers has had for years.


Taxi’s used to have a problem where there are just days when they would end up wandering aimlessly in the streets and not being able to find a customer. They would end up wasting a lot of gas and time, with no income. With taxi apps, they can now minimize their downtime since there is always a customer in every destination, without having to wander around aimlessly.

Carrying Change

The credit card industry has been trying to penetrate the taxi business for years, but with mobile technology, they finally have that link towards cashless transactions. Taxi apps now allow customers to pay via credit card, reducing the need for keeping a lot of change, and the hassle of carrying cash in the car, which can often be easily stolen.

Communication and Feedback

For taxi companies, it has been very difficult for them to properly screen their drivers. Sad to say, there are a lot of bad drives out there with even worse customer service. For customers, mobile technology gives them a voice. Now they can issue feedback about their ride, and can even put up commendations for great drivers through taxi apps.

Safety and Security

Mobile technology has allowed riding a taxi a bit more secure, especially for someone who is not familiar with the lay of the land. Mobile mapping and navigation services allow customers to be in better control of their route, and they can easily see if the taxi is taking the long way around. Alternatively, taxi apps also allow them to share their current position, plate number, and even the driver’s profile, allowing their loved ones to keep track of their ride, preventing cases of kidnapping or theft.

The advancements in mobile technology has completely changed the battlefield of many businesses. Communication became faster and cheaper, the exchange of data is enterprise is almost seamless, and many businesses, new and old, are moving to the cloud. Mobile technology has become a game changer, and it continues to drive change in a business as old as the Taxi Business.

Application Essentials: Five Things to Consider When Developing an Application

Technological advances in the area of electronic devices are this millennium’s greatest investment. Smartphones, tablets, notebooks, laptops, personal computers are just some of the devices that have received major overhaul and improvement. An application has been the major selling point of different electronic devices, so far as developing an application that would be the next big thing in the area of technological advancement.

These five important things should be considered when developing an application.

1) Platform
There are many different platforms available to choose from when developing an application. Mobile platforms (Android, iOS, Windows), desktop platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac), and web applications are just some of the platforms to choose from. Typically, an application that runs in all or most platforms would be the most ideal scenario but it takes a huge amount of time and dedication and is not an easy task. A single platform allows you to develop the application accurately and efficiently.

2) Testing
A newly developed application needs to be tested before a commercial version is released. There are three stages in testing: alpha, closed-beta, and open-beta. Each stage consist mostly of testers trying out the application from its early stage of development, discovering bugs and glitches, suggesting further contents and features, and giving feedback. Testing ensure that the application runs smoothly and properly and all known bugs and glitches are fixed.

3) Target audience
The intended target audience for an application should always be all age group with access to the applications’ platforms. But not all applications are intended for all age group and not all people have access to certain platforms. To ensure that the application will expand into different areas, targeting nearby audiences like your city or your country should be the first target.

4) Support
The more people know and use the application, the more popular and attention the application gets. The contents and interface of the application should be improved as new versions of the application are released. Consumers will want to have new and added features and the compatibility of the application should be expanded into other and all platforms.

5) Price
Developing an application does not mean it is a business venture. Some developed an application to help fellow consumers and made it free but some developed for profits. If that’s the case, pricing the application requires systematic analysis and considerable insights around the target audience. If the price of the application is expensive, consumers will think twice before buying it which leads to limited growth and expansion of the application.

Considering there are many applications that have been created, developing an application is a challenge many developers are still seeing through.

Its iBeacon

I love technology, so we all do? Don’t you? I always look around to know about more technologies, trends, updates etc. But this time I am unaware of something, something which is raising questions in me. I curiously looked over the internet, read many articles, but I was still skeptical about this, and So I looked for people who can open my mind and can answer my questions. Questions about iBeacons, Yes, Here I am talking about iBeacons.

What are iBeacons, How does it actually works?

iBeacons are relatively small and low cost BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) Devices that can be placed anywhere, on a wall, table or any flat surface.They use Bluetooth 4.0 – a new version of Bluetooth built in many smartphones like iPhones from Apple 4S upwards, Samsung Galaxy S III etc most of all they are not required to be paired up.

Ok so how does it works and impact the customer experience, Lets see, just like a lighthouse emits light, iBeacons radiate Signals, When you enter in a store, iBeacon sends invisible and soundless signals to your smartphones.These signals catch information from local database or cloud storage and notify people using smartphone about different discounts, product information, events,and other deals running in the store. And if you are worried about its battery then you don’t have to be because it has a battery life of almost 5 years.

So for now, a lot has been clear about iBeacons and how it is productive for retailers and customers.
Ok, but I still have one question that is, Since iBeacon is based on the already existing technology called NFC (Near Field Communication). How it is different from NFC?

Lets See, while using NFC users have to tap their devices on NFC tag to receive content whereas with iBeacons the information is pushed directly to the smartphones, provided they have the brand’s app installed.

Secondly, NFC require bank cooperation or credit card companies to make the transactions whereas iBeacon just require an Apple account.

Thirdly, NFC has a small range whereas the range of iBeacon is up to 50 metres without any lack of precision.

I had my answers now, about this new and wonderful device and have realised that this small device has a great potential to change your shopping experience.

Dex has been working with iBeacon devices to develop apps that will provide unmatched experience to customers and we are excited to explore the potential that this small device hold for retail industry.

Real Time Revolution With Taxi Apps

Those who ever grumbled about taxi and its services, the waiting time, the cost, etc, forget it.
Ignore standing on the bollard, whining for those taxi rides which never appear. Forget standing on empty streets waiting for some taxi to get back to your home on those rainy nights. For you, Uber has brought the solution and helped you to chuck the disappointment with its Uber app on your smartphone. Wherever, whenever you want, the driver will come to you and will offer a smooth and convenient service back to your door. Just as convenient as travelling in your own car.

Launched in San Francisco in 2010, it initially enabled its users to order taxi rides via mobile app, a smart car to get them wherever they want. And yes, not to forget the payment which is done via credit card, wherein the driver keeps somewhere around 70%-80% of the fare and the remainder is for Uber.

Indeed!!! Indeed they brought the revolution in the ‘Taxi Industry’. These apps have undoubtedly increased the size of the market for taxi and car services. Taxi apps have become a rising topic in tech industry, not only among users, but among investors and entrepreneurs also. Companies have come up with taxi apps like ‘Hailo, Lyft,’ etc.

They have built a remarkable momentum for ordering rides in the market with such apps and made the lives easier in terms of ‘connectivity, secure payment, reaching out to your closest drivers without any delay, so and so forth’. They have also created the first on demand, real time delivery platform.

Following Uber, Hailo, Lyft and there are other apps like TruTaxi which seems to be a promising taxi app. Entrepreneurs are coming up with more taxi apps to embrace this revolution which was once brought by Uber.

Look who is more social, iOS vs Android?

Yes it is exactly what it seems , we are going to compare the social presence of both the leading mobile; iOS vs Android.

Clearing the fog we have bring out a head to head comparison between iOS and Android in terms of top ranked apps, increasing users and the growth rate. Through this you can easily evaluate that both iOS and Android are growing with the same pace, but Android undoubtedly acquire more market. Where iOS has been doing well by accounting 53.12% ad revenue in Q2 2014, there Android leads in traffic.

Android KitKat: The Digital Chocolate

How one perceives a chocolate is how one perceives fun in life! Was told to me by one of my female colleagues at work! I wonder if we could extend the same interpretation to our digital sphere, with Android launching its new mobile operating System, the ever so sweet –Android KitKat, so without further delay let’s get to know the highlighting features of the about to be released Android KitKat 4.4

So how are we looking?

With every new release Android has given special concern to not only the background but also to the foreground, while the former we mean aspects like functionality in general the latter consists of the UI and the generic look and feel of the operating system. Talking about the UI there has been an apparent change in the color scheme, notifications and other UI enhancements.

I am running Ice Cream Sandwich, can I taste KitKat?

Well with the changes that Google has intended to make by introducing Wider Hardware support, you certainly can run KitKat on your device. Google has heard the outcries of existing Android users who are stuck at previous versions of the operating system not being able to upgrade to the latest due to Andriod’s strict hardware restrictions that come up with every new version. However Google has put in serious efforts to mend the same, and the changes should reflect in KitKat.

Bundled Cloud Storage

With the concept of Cloud storage slowly becoming old news, Google thinks it needs to integrate cloud storage more closely to Android, probably they are following Apple’s lead of iCloud. Though we could still use Google+ to automatically backup photos but then there still remains a lot of scope of improvement which we should see in the new version.

Battery will not die so soon!

A better usage of multi core CPUs along with the OS being lightweight shall lend a hand to the stamina of the battery.
From Exotic Landscapes to Picturesque Portraits
A smoother transition between the two orientations Landscape and Portrait has been promised giving it that slick appeal, eventually providing an enriching experience for the users.

So when are we actually getting it?

Google will be hosting an event on the 24th October 2013, this is where it is speculated that the launch of Google Nexus 5 along with KitKat 4.4 will be launched.

Though with the release of the new iOS7 preceding to the KitKat, yet one can see a lot of look and feel similar to that of Android. With Apple following suit to Android, there are a lot of expectations from KitKat. The only question is Will Google be able to deliver?