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Application Essentials: Five Things to Consider When Developing an Application

Technological advances in the area of electronic devices are this millennium’s greatest investment. Smartphones, tablets, notebooks, laptops, personal computers are just some of the devices that have received major overhaul and improvement. An application has been the major selling point of different electronic devices, so far as developing an application that would be the next big thing in the area of technological advancement.

These five important things should be considered when developing an application.

1) Platform
There are many different platforms available to choose from when developing an application. Mobile platforms (Android, iOS, Windows), desktop platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac), and web applications are just some of the platforms to choose from. Typically, an application that runs in all or most platforms would be the most ideal scenario but it takes a huge amount of time and dedication and is not an easy task. A single platform allows you to develop the application accurately and efficiently.

2) Testing
A newly developed application needs to be tested before a commercial version is released. There are three stages in testing: alpha, closed-beta, and open-beta. Each stage consist mostly of testers trying out the application from its early stage of development, discovering bugs and glitches, suggesting further contents and features, and giving feedback. Testing ensure that the application runs smoothly and properly and all known bugs and glitches are fixed.

3) Target audience
The intended target audience for an application should always be all age group with access to the applications’ platforms. But not all applications are intended for all age group and not all people have access to certain platforms. To ensure that the application will expand into different areas, targeting nearby audiences like your city or your country should be the first target.

4) Support
The more people know and use the application, the more popular and attention the application gets. The contents and interface of the application should be improved as new versions of the application are released. Consumers will want to have new and added features and the compatibility of the application should be expanded into other and all platforms.

5) Price
Developing an application does not mean it is a business venture. Some developed an application to help fellow consumers and made it free but some developed for profits. If that’s the case, pricing the application requires systematic analysis and considerable insights around the target audience. If the price of the application is expensive, consumers will think twice before buying it which leads to limited growth and expansion of the application.

Considering there are many applications that have been created, developing an application is a challenge many developers are still seeing through.