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Developer in Demand – Things you should consider while hiring a developer

The development of mobile technology has been a huge success for developers. The introduction of smartphones was easily embraced by consumers and each year, the features and specifications of smartphones increase. The competition of manufacturing companies in developing smartphones has always been a battle, and developers think of new ways to better their craft.

To be a successful mobile developer, you should have these three E’s:

1) Expertise

A mobile developer should have expertise of his/her craft. Different programming languages for mobile development are available; some of the popular ones are Java, Objective C, C++, and HTML 5. Mastering and knowing the advanced techniques on each programming languages gives you the edge over other developers.

2) Experience

Have you mastered the different programming languages but do not have any experience in developing small to large scale applications? Can you work under pressure and with a limited time? Can you work well with others or in a team? These questions basically answer if you have experience or not, if a company will likely to hire you or not. Experienced developers have an excellent grasp of working well with other developers and their bosses. They will not be constricted with the given time limit and will deliver good results on time.

3) Examples

For developers to have a high chance of getting hired, a compilation of their past works, achievements, and experiences needs to be presented – a portfolio. A mobile developer with a portfolio is likely to get hired than those without one. Portfolios display the competitiveness and years of experiences of mobile developers and reveal expertise of their craft.

With the sudden boom of mobile technology into our society, many people are starting to walk onto the path of becoming a mobile developer. Companies are paying their mobile developers a large amount of sum thus mobile developer has become one of the most in-demand jobs in the world.