Tag Archive for: Mobile Apps

Improve your brand image through mobile apps

In this day and age, there is no shortage of ways to advertise and improve your brand image. Sure, there is the traditional media of web based advertisements, radio plugs, and TV ads. Of course, if you want to be “IN” with the latest trend, the first thing you should consider are mobile apps.

Yes, Mobile apps are basically the biggest attention grabber of the century. While most will not like to admit it, our lives are increasingly centered and dependent on our mobile devices, and within these mobile devices are apps. According to the Flurry Five-Year Report: It’s an App World. The Web Just Lives in It, people spend an average of over 2 hours a day using apps on a smart phone.

The most important bit here is that people tend to use these mobile apps during opportunistic times for an advertiser – during meals, while shopping, on the way to work, and just about every idle moment that a person can have in a day. Its reach is far more penetrative than the average advertising media.

So how exactly can we improve your brand’s reach and image with apps? Mobile Apps can range from a wide variety of forms, which can give you a lot of ways to be creative. Let’s take a look at HasBro’s Transformers and how they did it back in the day:

Step 1: New Autobot toy is created
Step 2: New Autobot toy is featured in the TV show.
Step 3: Profit from sales of new toy that kids saw on TV.

It is the same principle with apps. If you have a new product, like a new toy lineup, a new lineup of clothes, or maybe a new service, why not incorporate it somehow in an App? You can sponsor a development of game that would feature your product. You can even create desktop and keyboard themes that would hint towards your product.

There’s also a more direct approach – creating the official app of your brand. This is becoming increasingly popular, especially for brands that have something to sell. They create online shopping apps for their online store, or even create a loyalty program with the use of mobile app, which is something big names like Pizza Hut and McDonald’s are using. Not only do they put their products closer to the reach of the customer, but they also improve their standing thanks to how well the app worked and through their app based promotions.

Lots of companies are starting to migrate their business closer to mobile apps just like the proliferation of App based Taxi services and app based online shopping and book reading. It is very clear that if you want to have better brand image, recognition, and penetration, then you better start investing in a good app developer.